Social Media Marketing

Do you want to get the most out of your social media? You can do so by implementing the right marketing. As an entrepreneur these days, you cannot really do without it. Whoever your target group is, you will find them on social media. Through social media marketing, you build better branding and can easily put your company or products in the spotlight. Social media is also a great form of customer loyalty if you use the right strategy. You can leave that to our social experts.


Sociale media

Social media is still a relatively new concept in marketing. However, it has become an integral part of our daily lives. Everyone is connected and stays updated on the latest trends and developments through these channels. Not only individuals are constantly engaged with TwitterLinkedInFacebookInstagram and other social channels, but companies as well.

For companies, there are great opportunities in the field of social media marketing. Through these channels you can easily get in touch with your target group, increase brand awareness and give communication a personal touch. It is important that you stay in constant contact with your (potential) customers. This way of communicating requires the necessary knowledge and experience in this field. How do you pique the interest of your followers and what kind of posts should you make to attract more followers? The ins and outs of social media are important if you want to reach the right people.

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Social Media Marketing

Social media channels are developing rapidly and the desire of the visitor plays an important role. Below, we have highlighted some of the channels to give you an idea of the potential reach that social media marketing can achieve for your business.

Facebook is a popular platform. In 2018, there were 10.8 million Dutch Facebook accounts, of which 7.6 million were active users.

Instagram is also growing very fast in the number of users. In 2018, Instagram had 4.1 million Dutch users, of which 2.1 million used the service daily.

LinkedIn is attractive to the business market, especially companies that are in the business-to-business market. Through LinkedIn, a network can be built to then get in touch with companies. For companies looking for employees, it is also a suitable channel to share job vacancies.

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Klanten in de wolken

Zeker een aanrader als je jouw business wilt laten groeien!

Ik werk al bijna een halfjaar samen met Web Wings en ben enorm tevreden over de service, kwaliteit en lange termijn visie. Zo hebben we met mijn website enorm mooie stappen kunnen zetten met een relatief laag budget.

Wat ik het meeste waardeer is dat er altijd met je wordt meegedacht. Zo worden er regelmatig goede suggesties gedaan. Daarnaast neemt mijn account manager wel eens producten van onze website af, wat ik ook echt enorm waardeer.

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Allard Gooshouwer
Eigenaar Train and Gain
Heel tevreden!

Heel tevreden over dit team. In een korte tijd hebben zij mijn website geoptimaliseerd, aangepast en onderhouden. Deze jongens weten waar ze over praten en maken dit ook waar. Je wordt op tijd voorzien van betrouwbaar advies en ik ben erg tevreden over hun snelle en goede service!

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Mieke van Wersch
Eigenares Yogastudio Mieke van Wersch
Zeer prettige samenwerking met Web Wings.

Zeer prettige samenwerking met Web Wings. We zijn de samenwerking met Web Wings aangegaan op het gebied van SEO, waar inmiddels mooie resultaten mee behaald worden. Dit geeft vertrouwen om ook op andere gebieden gebruik te gaan maken van de diensten van Web Wings. Web Wings is een jong team met een enorme drive. Altijd snelle en duidelijke communicatie. Veel vertrouwen in een langdurige samenwerking!

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M. Vriesema
Zeer tevreden met onze nieuwe website.

Zeer tevreden met onze nieuwe website. Erg fijne en snelle communicatie en alles volgens afspraak op tijd opgeleverd.

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Oppe Berg
Wij zijn zeer tevreden over de samenwerking met Web Wings.

We werken inmiddels zes maanden samen met Web Wings en onze organische vindbaarheid heeft al een mooie groei doorgemaakt. Wat we vooral waarderen aan de samenwerking is de transparantie en duidelijke communicatie vanuit de medewerkers van Web Wings. Ze houden ons doorlopend op de hoogte over de voortgang en communiceren duidelijk over hun aanpak en strategieën. De resultaten liegen er dan ook niet om.

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Echte partners in business!

De Web Wings medewerkers hebben ons de afgelopen drie jaar met raad, daad en heel veel betrokkenheid ondersteund met het ontwikkelen van onze websites en het optimaliseren van onze vindbaarheid op internet. Een klantgerichte club, altijd stand-by. Echte partners in business!

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Marco Huiskens & Monique Haine
Cordewener verkeersschool
Betrouwbaar, vriendelijk en altijd snelle reacties!

Web Wings is een partner waar we graag mee samenwerken! Betrouwbaar, vriendelijk en altijd snelle reacties! 🙂

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Publishing Reputatiefabriek
Publishing Reputatiefabriek
Prettig bedrijf om mee samen te werken.

De SEO partner voor elk bedrijf. Ze leveren hoge kwaliteit backlinks en dat ook nog eens op een zeer professionele wijze. Web Wings is een zeer kundig bedrijf dat wij aan iedereen kunnen aanraden.

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Kevin van Rijt
De SEO partner voor elk bedrijf.

De SEO partner voor elk bedrijf. Ze leveren hoge kwaliteit backlinks en dat ook nog eens op een zeer professionele wijze. Web Wings is een zeer kundig bedrijf dat wij aan iedereen kunnen aanraden.

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Rank Online Marketing
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Klanten in de wolken

Take a look

At our cases

We already have countless projects on our name. From estate agents to webshops and from driving schools to other marketing agencies. We have already helped many clients increase their online findability. Are you curious to know who our extensive clientele includes? Take a look at our case studies and find out who has already established a successful collaboration with Web Wings.

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Clear and concise roadmap for

Our social process

Step 1

Campaign plan

We set up a comprehensive survey, detailing your target audience. Who are your customers and how can you reach them? We research interesting days to play into (like blue monday etc.) and draw up a plan to get the most out of your social media. Upon approval of the plan, we get to work!

Step 2

Creation & concept

After agreeing on the social plan, we start working on the concepts. This includes creating catchy visuals, fun texts and a good monthly schedule. We will send these to you for approval, after which they will be scheduled.

Step 3

Campaign start

Concepts are scheduled and the right audience and channels are set up. Hashtags are added for greater reach. Depending on the content plan, a number of posts come online on different channels every week. Then, they are ready to be liked!

Step 4


We closely monitor campaign results and share them with you. What works and creates high engagement? Based on the results achieved, we create the next concepts and ensure a consistent flow of strong and creative social posts!

Outsource Social Media Marketing

What can we offer

Ongoing maintenance of social media channels can be time-consuming. As marketeers, we are happy to fill in this task for you. As a business owner, what exactly can you expect from us?

  • Creative messaging to set your company apart from the competition in the market
  • Catchy graphics that we adapt to your corporate identity
  • Analysing your business to then realise an appropriate strategy

These are the benefits for your business:

  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Influencing the buying behaviour of your target audience
  • Generating traffic to your website
  • Reputation management on social channels

Everything in one place

You can also come to Web Wings for professional photos. This is useful if you want your own images for your social media, but also for printed media and your website, for example. Distinctive, attractive and creative: whatever you are looking for, our photographer will capture it perfectly. We can also integrate your social media feed on your website. This way, you integrate all your channels. Which is a valuable addition to your website, from which many companies have already gained new followers!

At Web Wings, we offer you a total package. You can confidently leave your entire social media marketing to us. From professional photos to rock-solid (Ad) campaigns. Web Wings helps you reach great heights on various channels!

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Free consultation

Are you curious what Web Wings can do for you? Would you like to know whether it is possible for your social media channels to soar to great heights, too? Let us take a look at your channels with you. We can advise you and map out your wishes. What do you want to achieve with social media marketing? More followers? More website visitors? Tell us your wishes and we will work on them. We will draw up a tailor-made concept that fully complies with your corporate identity. Satisfied? Then we will be happy to help you further and draw up a comprehensive plan to make your social media an unprecedented success. So come and meet us and discover the possibilities of social media marketing at Web Wings.

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T: 085 130 0595